About ODC
By Blake MurphyCreated in Spring of 2008, The On Deck Circle has matured through a few phases in its existence. Originally intended as an outlet for creator Blake Murphy only, it quickly grew in popularity and scope, at one time boasting 20 writers on staff with multiple feature articles per day. While this was a successful model, it wasn’t a realistic one as Blake made the transition from University student (Bachelor of Commerce 2008, Queen’s University) to gainfully employed
adult person. Since then, The ODC has transitioned back to being an occasional sports writing outlet for Blake and a few other writers.
In the Summer of 2011, Blake has found a renewed enthusiasm for writing, and hopes to make writing a regular hobby once again as he weighs the potential of undertaking a Masters of Journalism program in 2012.
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You can e-mail Blake at [email protected] or by clicking here.